Friday, July 23, 2010

Final Decision for my Action Research Project

The three topics selected for research are improving classroom management practices, increased staff participation in school functions, and increasing parent involvement through Parent Cram night sessions. Improving classroom management includes an investigation on behavior expectations within the classroom, how those behaviors are addressed, and how to make changes for effective classroom management. More staff participation in campus activities could change the climate of the school and lead to increased morale on the campus. Finally, using Parent Cram night sessions to investigate the level of parent involvement on the campus and the effectiveness of the program on student achievement.

Parent involvement is very low for my campus. Generally, most parents have a high school education and are classified as low socio-economic families. After discussing the various topics with my site supervisor, increasing parent involvement at my campus could improve all the following areas listed above. Parent involvement could increase staff participation, allowing for the school staff to become more involved in multiple endeavors. Parent involvement at the campus could help redefine the campus culture and climate, leading to improved classroom management. Most importantly, parent involvement will allow for our students to achieve better grades and have a clearer understanding of the material if they receive the help they need at home on classroom projects or homework assignments.

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